Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011


Cooperation work with Niña Yhared. Temporal installations were produced and transformed during the two chapters of it. 

Transparencies: 1st Day (Pictures by Malte Beisenherz)
November 18th, 2011
Transparencies: 2nd Day (Pictures by Arielle Bier)
November 19th, 2011

Video installation (Video by Ofri Lapid)

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

"In Situ IV"

Deep relation between family members, fragility of humans and their dependencies.
Durational performance (90 minutes)
"In Context", PAS Studies
Grimmuseum, Berlin
August, 2011
Pictures by Matthias Pick and Monika Sobczak
"In Situ III"

work in progress - transition between the series "In Situ" and "The Milk Series"
IPAH 2011, Flutgraben e.V., Berlin
July 2011
Pictures by He Chengyao 

Sonntag, 7. August 2011

"Healthy Diet"

cooperation with Malte Beisenherz.
Cultural center “Laboratorio Sensorial”, Guadalajara, Mex.
May, 2011
- Big apologize for the quality of the pictures, there were some problems with the documentation of this work.