The system is broken... we're just cheese...
Performances by PAErsche's members, invited by Evamaria Schaller, who won the Peter Mertes grant 2014.
Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn
November 3th, 2013
Pictures by Beatrice Didier and Boris Nieslony
The Milk Series
Sometimes a country commit suicide... sometimes repression is stronger than man's will... EXTRA! Festival Internacional de Performance
Centro Cultural Xavier Villaurrutia, Glorieta del metro Insurgentes, Mexico city
September 27th,
Pictures by Felipe Hernandez
The Milk Series
Exhibition "Arte Acción"
Salaveinte22, Guadalajara, Mx
September 22th, 2013
Pictures by Kekko Diaz
The Milk Series
"Odissey of the lovers: one day was enough" exhibition documenting the festival "The Lovers" in which I participated (see video).
Mindpirates eV, Berlin
August 15th, 2013
Pictures by Mindpirates eV.
The Milk as a Social Example
Lecture performance of "The Milks Series". Any similarity between humanity and milk chemistry? ...Let's see some historical examples.
PAErsche at the Orangerie, Cologne
July 10th, 2013
Pictures by Beatrice Didier
The Milk Series
CREATURE Life Art Festival
Kaunas' town hall square, Lithuania
June 15th, 2013
Pictures by Agnes Reksyte
The Milk Series
"si ves las barbas de tu vecino cortar, pon las tuyas a remojar"
(if you see your neighbor's beard cut, put yours to soak) ...Mexican proverb
Durational performance (2.5 hours). Thanks to the support of Evelina Vosyliute, Lithuanian hair artist.
CREATURE Life Art Festival
Fluxus Ministry, Kaunas, Lithuania
June 14th, 2013
Pictures by Agnes Rekstyte
We all are part of it... Performance with the hair of the audience
Galerie Essay at Kunstraum B
April 17th, 2013